Moving can be tough on everyone in your family, your furry friends included. Whether you have a cat or dog, here are some ways to make transitioning to a new home easier on your pet:
- Keep pets away from the chaos—On moving day, there will be several people in and out of your house, boxes will be everywhere, and what used to look like your home will now become an empty space. This chaos can be hard for your pet to deal with, so plan to have them stay with a friend or keep them in a room with their toys and food with someone to check in on them on moving day.
- Start with one room—After moving day is over and you’re in your new place, start by acclimating your pet to the home one room at a time. After your pet seems comfortable, move on to a new room until you’ve covered the whole house.
- Set up their area—Help your pet feel “at home” by giving them a space in the new home that’s theirs as soon as possible. Whether this is a corner of the living room or an area in the laundry room, place their bed, a few favorite toys, and their food in this space they can call their own.
- Get out and explore—Moving means you have plenty of new places to explore with your furry friend. Get out and explore them together, and if you have a dog, see if there’s a new park or place for them to run around nearby.