Home > Moving & Storage Blog > Tips for Short-Term Residential Moving

Most of the time, moving to a new location means you plan to be there a while. However, that isn’t always the case. For example, you might have to temporarily relocate for your career, move for educational purposes, relocate for military service, or need to help a family member recover from an injury or illness. Here are some tips for short-term residential moving that can make things go smoother:

Tips for Short-Term Residential Moving

  • Do you need all your belongings with you? Depending on what you’ll be doing in your temporary location, you may not need much of what you own. It can be costly to move all your furniture and personal belongings, not just once, but twice. Consider renting a furnished apartment and either leaving your things in your current home or putting them into storage for later retrieval.
  • Look at your housing budget. Sometimes, the opportunity comes with enough financial gain to cover the cost of having housing in two places. Another situation is where you won’t have a housing expense at your new location because your employer covers it or you will be staying with family or friends. If this isn’t the case and your budget won’t handle both, consider putting your items in storage instead.
  • Consider your goals for returning. Your decisions must also take into account what you’ll want once your temporary situation is over. If you envision yourself returning because your current home is everything you want, then don’t give it up if you can find a way to cover the cost. Also, consider any costs involved with giving up your current home, such as early lease termination penalties and sales commissions. Take the time to gather details so you can make an informed decision regarding your residential moving situation.

Here at Ashe Van Lines Moving & Storage, we can help you move what you need at your temporary home, as well as provide temporary storage for those items you won’t need if you aren’t leaving them in a current home or apartment. Any items you have us store are kept secure and accessible to you when you need them again. Call us today to learn more about how we can help with short-term or long-term residential moving.